Dr. Plipat: artists need to…
Dr. Plipat: artists need to build constituency around the issue of artistic freedom #artisticfreedomSAF20
Dr. Plipat: artists need to build constituency around the issue of artistic freedom #artisticfreedomSAF20
You can download @Freemuse|s report the State of Artistic Freedom 2020 from https://freemuse.org/def_art_freedom/the-state-of-artistic-freedom-2020-report-launch-freemuse/ #artisticfreedomSAF20 #worldartday
Nu: presentation of the State of Artistic Freedom 2020 report by Dr Srirak Plipat, @Freemuse Executive Director. #artisticfreedomSAF20
#artisticfreedomSAF20 "Utan yttrandefrihet finns ingen demokrati", Hilde Klemetsdal, Director for Human Rights, Dem… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1250320925435654145
Samarbete med bl.a. @Freemuse98 Det går att ställa frågor till panelen med hashtaggen #artisticfreedomSAF20