RT @Rothna_Begum: Women’s rights includes…
Women's rights includes civil and political rights. #Saudi authorities latest warning that they will imprison peopl… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1483763816039079936
Women's rights includes civil and political rights. #Saudi authorities latest warning that they will imprison peopl… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1483763816039079936
"If [Loujain] is not allowed to leave #Saudi or forced to remain on probation, there's no reason to believe she won… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1359640142584180741
G-20 leaders, don’t forget the women’s rights advocates rotting in #Saudi prisons https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/global-opinions/g-20-leaders-dont-forget-the-womens-rights-advocates-rotting-in-saudi-prisons/2020/09/13/fd5f756a-f374-11ea-999c-67ff7bf6a9d2_story.html
On the torture and ongoing imprisonment of the amazing #saudi women’s rights activist @LoujainHathloul. Her brother… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1285598603436859394
One year since the arrest of several #Saudi women right defenders – and the crackdown continues… @AmnestySverige https://t.co/YaJguYv2PQ
Release all these #Saudi women’s rights activists who have long fought to end the male guardianship system. They ha… https://t.co/QMor6d7uMO
Rahaf has averted deportation & is with @refugees in #Bangkok. Let’s remember all #Saudi women fighting for freedom… https://t.co/g52m1iXKPt
The #Saudi Capital #Riyadh is not only a sanctuary for dictators but also a platform for neighbouring foreign PMs a… https://t.co/SoayUC1TmG
Hundreds of thousands take to the street in #Yemen capital sanaa to protest 2 years of #Saudi war and the killing o… https://t.co/9KtpBRxivU
14, 682 Saudis have participated in campaign calling 4 end 2 #Saudi male guardianship #IAmMyOwnGuardian: https://t.co/hqIEzGSDeF
#Saudi blockar pilgrimer från #Iran från #Hajj. Eskalering eller bara käbbel? https://t.co/SBp4En0TJB